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Early Stage test requirements

Establishing effective testing


Often this centres around the development of web applications where the team is looking to introduce test resource, perhaps for the first time. Generally, there are a number of choices that can be considered:


  • Hire a tester

  • Engage a test company

  • Use outsourced resource

  • Use crowdsourced testing


The assumption is that you may have already used your own valuable resources to perform testing and now seek something more sustainable.


At Business Collaborations, we look at the immediate needs of the business:

  • Is something causing problems?

  • Are there poor reports from users?

  • Is the application unstable?

  • Are there compatibility concerns?

  • Is testing holding up development progress?

  • Are you delivering software for a client and contractually obliged to have met a QA standard?

  • Are there performance issues?

  • Are you deliberating over the best way to approach automation?

  • Does penetration testing need to be carried out?

  • Should the application meet accessibility standards?











We will use the right test services to solve the immediate needs of the business.  It will be cost effective as you need only pay for what is required and you will have access to a variety of skills and experience.


Secondly, we deal with the underlying structure that allows defects to occur. This is about creating processes earlier in the development cycle that follows through into test activities  This step is a medium to long term solution and requires consultation with the business. Ultimately, it means putting in place a process-based approach and should be done in line with business objectives.  This can be done in steps that address business needs while staying within budget.


Whether you are launching, already start as a business or recognise some of the issues here then speak to us for advice, please call or leave a message for us.

Need more details? Contact us

We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email or via our Social Media channels.

Need more details? Contact us

We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email or via our Social Media channels.

Need more details? Contact us

We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email or via our Social Media channels.

© 2019 Business Collaborations Ltd, UK

Call +44 208 012 8191

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